
Ben Crow, USA

Professor of Sociology, University of California Santa Cruz

Sociologist of international development, research on poverty, markets, inequality and access to water.

Sanjay Srivastava, India

Professor of Sociology, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University

Sociologist of urban change, culture and gender, author of Entangled Urbanism a study of  encounters and negotiations between powerless and those with power.

Critical Listeners / Note-takers

Abigail Brown, USA, resident in France

Doctoral student, Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz

Research on marginal communities in Paris, exclusion and their access to water and sanitation

Meenoo Kohli, India, resident in USA

Doctoral student, Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz

Research on environmental challenges facing middle class settlement in Delhi

Administrative Coordinators

Bellagio Programs, USA

Institute of International Education (IIE)

Nadia Gilardoni, Italy

Conference Coordinator, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center

Colleen Massengale, USA

Sociology Department Assistant, University of California Santa Cruz


The Rockefeller Foundation

The Institute of International Education

UCSC Office of Research

UCSC Social Sciences Division

UCSC Sociology Department